Me, Myself and I
Hi! I am


Abdul Rahman

I'm a

Director of Photography & Colorist

based in



Aaqil Abdul Rahman
"Artists are controlled by life that beats in them, like the ocean beats on the shore"Dorothea Lange
My worldview and artistic style are constantly evolving, just like the seasons. Always seeking significance through my frames, I'm constantly looking for inspiration in the form of music, pictures, paintings, movies, and—most importantly—real life.

Since I was a child, I've been around my dad's cameras, therefore he has had a significant impact on my current career. I became really interested in photography as a result of snatching his pricey cameras and playing with them.
My Dad & I
My dad's DSLR proved to be the most helpful when my life experienced its first crisis in my late teens. The high of the art then hooked on to me and is now engrained, almost like a friend who understands me and my emotions.

Ever since I've clicked hundreds of images, shot multiple short-films, Documentaries, Music-Videos and Ads.

I'm a storyteller of many stripes, and I'm driven by feelings. To produce a work that is a true expression of your vision, I must comprehend your story and the feelings that underlie everything in it.